Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Our Inaugaration day party

Well we woke up to black ice this morning in our parts and schools are cancelled. Now we are experiencing a five day, rather than a four day weekend. So... we're talking about how we're going to celebrate the inauguration of our new president today. It looks like it will be some crafting, some baking, a tea party, more than a few sibling squabbles (I'm sure), and a new game which consists of getting ready for a storm. Funny, my kids. They actually frantically talk about "battening down the hatches" and run around getting hats, quilts, and setting up supplies for a long haul. I'm not sure where this came from, but anyway...

My oldest drew a picture of Barak Obama that she wants to send to him, but I'm not sure I can part with. I could only show you part of it here because she wrote our family's names all over it. It's extraordinary though. Of course, it has her favorite animals in it... horses, dolphins, and bees (because we're all about bees around here, but more on that later.) Even as I write this, my natives are getting restless. We may have to brave the temps in the twenties and go out for a walk yet.
Addendum to the post...
We skipped the tea, but did do lunch on a blanket in front of the t.v. to watch the inauguration. It was pretty spectacular to hear a two year old chant, "Obama, Obama." My big girl was all about the pink coat Sasha wore, and loved looking at all of the people. I cried when he talked about choosing hope over fear. It's been a good day for one spent in the house.

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