Friday, July 25, 2008

Just Do It!

For so long now, I have contemplated writing my own blog. I have come up with a million reasons for why I shouldn't and numerous fears have given me plenty of reasons not to do it. In the end, I think that I just need to jump in no matter how anxious I feel. It is the right thing for me to do. It is time. Somehow, my decision has coincided with the five year mark for my time away from full time paid work. The decision to stay at home with my little ones has been one of the best, most important decisions I have ever made. Although it certainly has not been without it's ups and downs. Still, I can say I love my life, my husband, my kids, my friends, and my family. I am living intentionally and imperfectly. These sunflowers were purchased by my sweet honey and kids from a local farm. They were such an incredible reminder all week of what an amazing life we have. So without further ado, here I am.

1 comment:

tracy said...

Congratulations on the beginning of this experience you are about to embark upon. You have so many gifts and talents to share with the world. I'm putting you at the top of my bookmarks page. Hugs to you my dear friend!