"In like a lion, out like a lamb." Okay, okay. It wasn't quite the winter scene below. That was a couple of months ago. However, it was a wintry mix all day, and I just couldn't drag my butt out for a run. Snow coating the hillside and rhododendron leaves, in between sheets of rain? No big deal. I'll wait till tomorrow to fit in a run, thank you.

We meant to craft, but it never really happened. There was cleaning, forts built (destroying the sense of cleanliness), quite a long period of imaginary play, "Go Fish" negotiated between a 4 and an almost 8 year old, and then basil seeds planted (just about the time I thought I might lose my mind.)

Finally, yes, finally. I got to work on my projects. Birthday secrets for my big girl... I was completely content cutting up and combining fabrics. It's quicker than a quilt, but with all the satisfaction of patchwork. I was happy to give up my plans of planting strawberries, greens, and new potatoes. There was no way I was going outside today. On days like this, bliss is drinking tea and eating my mother in-law's cookies. I'll run it off tomorrow while I piece fabrics in my head.

Wouldn't it be something to achieve that state of contentment and bliss all week? Alright, I know, it's a non-reality. I always have the highest aspirations. I am the horse that starts out of the gate, spirited head held high. Somehow, though, I always finish in a lack luster position of not-so-noticeable standing. Does anybody else get that? So, I remind myself to think happiness with a modicum of grace mixed in. Sound good? Alright then, I'm headed for Monday with enthusiasm (and the knowledge that my sweet sister is arriving in just 6 days.) Maybe she can conquer the laundry.